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How to Get ready for Camp!

If your have singed up for a camp, Wonderful we cant wait to see you there!

It may seem overwhelming, but please do not stress, its not that complicated =)


We asked that everyone who signs up for camp/s submits a video audition.   It will give you a better chance at getting a particular role you may be interested in and or help us place you in the best suited place in the show.  If you do not submit a video we will place you in the show where we think you will be the best fit.  So please do not waist the opportunity to try out for what you want.

Your video should be as follows: See our Video examples of the right and wrong way =)

1.  Portrait ↕ and NOT landscape ↔.  Show full body (from head to toe) Make sure the area is well lit.

2.  State your name, age and the role you will be auditioning for.  Speak clearly and don't rush! Proceed by telling us what song you are singing.  Sing your part.  Then pause and smile.  Add info like I can do cartwheels/back-bends or tap.  The end.  Yip that's it!

3.  Upload your video to the link provided below for each show.  You will get this in the confirmation email as well as in the Facebook Groups.

4.  You will need to submit one video for each camp you do, so if you do both camps you will need to submit an audition video by the cut off dates for both!! Please keep it simple and just use a mobile device to keep the files small.  There are two video examples below for you to use as a guide.

Shrek  Jr. 

June 16 - 20 (Daily 8:30 -4pm)

Show day, June 21 (10:30am and 1:45pm)

1.  Video auditions for Shrek Jr., need to be in by no later than June11, by 8pm.  NO EXCEPTIONS! Via the form link you received in your EMAIL when you signed up for camp!  DO NOT send text messages/messenger or emails!

2.  Early rehearsal (cast read through) for Shrek Jr. is on June 15 from 3:30pm - 5:30pm (Sunday) at The Church at Tuscaloosa. This is a great opportunity to get the cast acquainted and comfortable with each. That way on the first day of camp we have a head start!  This is a massive show!

Please bring a water bottle and snack. 

Submit your Shrek Jr. video audition (TBA)

Shrek Jr. music here

Alice in Wonderland Jr.

July14-18 (Daily 8:30 -4pm)

Show Day July, 19 (10:30am and 1:45pm)

1.  Video auditions for The Lion King Jr. need to be in by not later than 8pm , July 9 by 8pm.  NO EXCEPTIONS! Via the form link you received in your email when you signed up for camp!  DO NOT send text messages/messenger or emails!

2.  Early rehearsal (cast read through) for Alice in Wonderland Jr. is on July 13 (Sunday) from  3:30pm - 5:30pm at The Church at Tuscaloosa.  This is a great opportunity to get the cast acquainted and comfortable with each. That way on the first day of camp we have a head start!  This is a massive show!  

Please bring a water bottle and snack to your early rehearsal!

Alice in Wonderland Jr. music here

Music for the Shows.

We are not permitted to give you the music for shows in its entirety.  However we found these links on YouTube, we highly suggest to play through them at every opportunity to be acquainted with the songs so that it makes things run smoother at camp!  See the links above for each show.

Sing to a backing track with the volume

relevant to your voice

This is an example of what not to do for both the subject and the camera.

Tuscaloosa Theatre Troupe LLC

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